Frequently Asked Questions

What are your office hours?

Our office is operational Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

What building code does Rye Township enforce?

Rye Township currently enforces the ICC Codes identified in the Uniform Construction Code as adopted by the legislature for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is commonly referred to as Act 45 of 1999 or the UCC Code.

What are the regulations for a septic system and who enforces them?

On-lot septic systems are regulated by the Pennsylvania State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Each municipality in the state is required to employ or contract with a DEP licensed Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO) for enforcement of the DEP regulations. The Rye Township SEO is Leonard Sizer. Lenny can be contacted by telephone at (717) 275-2048.

What days do the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission and Park Board meet?

Fourth Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. – Board of Supervisors’ Regular Meeting
First Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. – Planning Commission
Second Monday at 7:00 p.m. – Park Board
Additional meetings are advertised as necessary.

Who do I call for the dispatch of Police, Fire or Emergency Medical Services?

You must call 911 anywhere in Perry County.

What is the non-emergency number for Perry County Dispatch?

The non-emergency number for Perry County Dispatch is 717-582-4311.  Contact them if the Township cannot be reached for downed trees or limbs blocking the public roadway.

Where do I vote in Rye Township?

Both primary and general elections are held at the Rye Township Municipal Building, 1775 New Valley Road, Marysville, PA 17053.

How do I register to vote?

You can pick up a voter registration form at the Rye Township Office, at the Perry County Voter’s Registration Office, in New Bloomfield, or you can Register online by going to

How do I sign up for weekly trash collection in Rye Township?

Penn Waste, Inc. located in York collects the weekly trash on Tuesdays, except for several Holidays. Pennsylvania Municipal Services, (PAMS) does the quarterly and delinquent billing for the Township. However, all additions and changes to billing must be authorized through the office of Rye Township.  Contact the Township office at (717) 957-2348.

Is there a “leash law” in Rye Township?

Yes. All dogs must be under control of their owners and they are not permitted to run free.

Where is the District Magistrate located?

Rye Township’s local magistrate is Richard Gibney. His office is located at:
3351 Susquehanna Trail, Duncannon, PA 17020
His office phone is (717) 834-4990.

Where can I obtain a Rye Township map?

A Township Zoning Map may be downloaded from the website.

Are dirt bikes or all-terrain vehicles permitted to operate on private property?

No one is permitted to operate a dirt bike or a quad on private property without the permission of the landowner. To enforce this prohibition, the property should be posted, with NO Trespassing signs. If the property is not posted, police intervention must be requested by the landowner. It is not sufficient for a neighbor to complain about the activity.

Who do I call when I observe a dead or injured animal on the roadway?

Dial 911 for any request for a public safety response. The dispatcher will notify the proper agency. You may also contact the PA Game Commission directly at 1-814-643-1831.

Who do I call about information concerning the Volunteer Fire Company serving Rye Township?

Call Marysville Fire Co. at (717) 957-2323 or Shermans Dale Fire Co. at (717) 582-2575

What is the State Police non-emergency number?

The PSP Newport Barracks non-emergency number is (717) 567-3110.

What is the phone number for the Marysville Post Office?

The phone number for Marysville Post Office is (717) 957-2111.

May I request public records from Rye Township?

Public records, Rye Township resolutions and ordinances, and other information can be requested by submitting the Township’s Records and Information Request Form to the Township Office in person or via of email at [email protected].